GCH Valhalla's Head Over Boots v Janterra SDI ULI TLI RN RATO
DOB May 13 2021
(AM/CAN/THAI CH Holmrun's Beau Regard CGN x GCH Janterra's Locked In AOM RI NS RATS ATD)
Vixen is our beautiful little keeper puppy from the Keepin' It Country Litter. Vixen is a classic Doberman - cuddly with and protective of her people, and aloof with everyone else. She is frequently serious, focused and earnest, often naughty, and always a lot of fun.
Vixen has been making waves in the conformation and performance rings!!
Vixen attained her Canadian Championship in May, 4 days before her first birthday, with a 4 point Best of Winners. Her Grand Championship was quick to follow in November of 2022 at EKKOC, with a number of lovely placements including Select Bitch at the British Columbia Doberman Pinscher Specialty. Along the way, Vixen also left her mark in the Sweepstakes ring, winning 3 Best in Sweepstakes including at the BC Doberman Pinscher Specialty, and 1 Best of Opposite in Sweepstakes. In 2023, Vixen has begun to make her presence known in the group ring, with several lovely group placements, including a Group 3 from esteemed Doberman specialist Judge Luis Silva.
Vixen shone in the Rally Obedience ring, earning her Rally Novice quickly, with three back-to-back qualifying legs in the ribbons. We are working on her next levels, and will be out in 2024 in the rally and formal obedience rings. Vixen entered the sport scent detection arena, earning her RATN and RATO barn hunt titles with panache. She is currently working on her RATS title, and I am enjoying every minute trialing with her. Vixen has also started her journey in NASDA scent detection events, and has earned her Shed Hunt Level 1, as well as her Trail and Locate Level 1 and her Urban Locate Level 1.
2024 is bound to bring a lot more fun with my red-headed kid!!
Click here for Vixen's link on Dobequest:
Vixen has been making waves in the conformation and performance rings!!
Vixen attained her Canadian Championship in May, 4 days before her first birthday, with a 4 point Best of Winners. Her Grand Championship was quick to follow in November of 2022 at EKKOC, with a number of lovely placements including Select Bitch at the British Columbia Doberman Pinscher Specialty. Along the way, Vixen also left her mark in the Sweepstakes ring, winning 3 Best in Sweepstakes including at the BC Doberman Pinscher Specialty, and 1 Best of Opposite in Sweepstakes. In 2023, Vixen has begun to make her presence known in the group ring, with several lovely group placements, including a Group 3 from esteemed Doberman specialist Judge Luis Silva.
Vixen shone in the Rally Obedience ring, earning her Rally Novice quickly, with three back-to-back qualifying legs in the ribbons. We are working on her next levels, and will be out in 2024 in the rally and formal obedience rings. Vixen entered the sport scent detection arena, earning her RATN and RATO barn hunt titles with panache. She is currently working on her RATS title, and I am enjoying every minute trialing with her. Vixen has also started her journey in NASDA scent detection events, and has earned her Shed Hunt Level 1, as well as her Trail and Locate Level 1 and her Urban Locate Level 1.
2024 is bound to bring a lot more fun with my red-headed kid!!
Click here for Vixen's link on Dobequest: